
Group News
Cambridge Independent Learning ("CIL")
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Course Title: Perceptions of Venice in Literature
Course Description: Venice has been a source of musical and artistic inspiration almost since its birth; it has excited
travellers and writers, politicians, generals, filmmakers and pleasure seekers. It is acknowledged
as unique in overcoming its physical limitations and turning them to its advantage; in its
crumbling, beautiful hotchpotch of architectural styles; in its 1000 of years of Republican
government. Byron called it ‘The greenest island of my imagination’. Mary McCarthy called it “ a
wholly materialist city ....the world’s unconscious”. but most often it is described as a theatre, like
a stage set - it has shown a masked face to the world. We are going to reveal the masks, and
what lies beneath, to discover the many changing faces of Venice - both how it has seen and
presented itself and how it has been seen by others through literature, music, art and film.
Tutor: Ros Connelly
Venue: St Andrew’s Street Baptist Church, Cambridge, CB1 2AR
Day Of Week: Friday
Start Time: 10:30
Duration: 1.50 hrs
Date: 17/01/25
No. of Weeks: 10
Fee: £55.00
Course Title: The Women Who Built The Film Industry
Course Description: Despite the classic image of the all-male cigar-chomping Hollywood moguls of yesteryear, many of the true early pioneers of the art and science of film were women. Directors, writers, producers – even studio heads – actors, technicians and stunt performers, they played a huge role in creating the most important global industry of the twentieth century, without ever getting their names on the door. Come and celebrate a small handful of their stories and find out why you’ve never heard of them – and why you should have.
Tutor: Christopher Budd
Venue: ZOOM
Day Of Week: Friday
Start Time: 10:15
Duration: 2.00 hrs
Date: 25/04/25
No. of Weeks: 5
Fee: £40.00
Course Title: Landscape into Art
Course Description: The course analyses the historical and artistic development of landscape painting; identifying different categories of landscape from Arcadian to Apocalyptic, from the panoramic to the particular and from the romantic to the symbolic. It also examines the role and function of the landscape through the centuries; and discusses differing approaches of artists to the subject, including Claude Lorrain, Poussin, Ruisdael, Constable, Turner, Monet, Cézanne, Nash.
Tutor: Mary Conochie
Venue: St Andrew’s Street Baptist Church, Cambridge, CB1 2AR
Day Of Week: Friday
Start Time: 10:30
Duration: 1.50 hrs
Date: 19/09/25
No. of Weeks: 10
Fee: £55.00