Buckden Learning Group

Group News

Buckden Learning Group ("BLG")



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The Buckden Learning Group meets for face-to-face courses at the 12th century site of one of the Palaces of the Bishops of Lincoln; it has connections to Katherine of Aragon and other royal visitors. The venue is approximately 1 minute from the A1 and has ample free parking. Meetings are normally held on the ground floor of a Victorian mansion that dates back to 1872. Occasional meetings are held in the King's Room in the 1485 brick tower. In addition to face-to-face courses some courses are run on Zoom to utilise distant tutors.

Courses of 10 weeks include a half term break.

There will be a 15 minute break during each session.

To look at previous courses click here


Course Title: The First Six Presidents of the United States
Course Description: Forty-Six men have held the office of President of the United States, the highest executive office in the country. From the burgeoning new nation in the aftermath of the War of Independence from Britain, through the trials of the Civil War, and on into the modern age, each one of them has tried (with varying degrees of success) to steer the US through the challenges and opportunities of their own specific era. And each has been shaped by their age, as much as they in turn have shaped it. In this series of lectures, Simon will explore the life, times and legacy of the first six Presidents, from George Washington to John Quincy Adams, charting the formation of a land that would later become one of the superpowers of the modern world. He will examine not just their time as President, but their wider biography as well, charting the events which moulded the men who in turn sought to mould their nation.
Tutor: Simon Gregor
Venue: ZOOM
Day Of Week: Tuesday
Start Time: 10:00
Duration: 2.50 hrs
Date: 16/07/24
No. of Weeks: 3
Fee: £

Course Title: US Politics: An Election Year Introduction
Course Description: US politics can dominate the news at any time, and perhaps never more so than in a Presidential election year like this one. But to those who have not grown up in the US, the political system can sometimes seem baffling, and raise puzzling questions. What exactly does the Supreme Court do, and why does it matter? What’s the difference between the Senate and the House of Representatives, and why do they function as they do? How and when do people even get elected? Why do individual states seem to differ significantly from each other, and how much power do they have in comparison to the government in Washington? And why on earth is the President elected by an Electoral College rather than by direct vote? In this series, Simon will try to unpack the US political system, both in theory and in practice.
Tutor: Simon Gregor
Venue: ZOOM
Day Of Week: Tuesday
Start Time: 10:00
Duration: 2.50 hrs
Date: 10/09/24
No. of Weeks: 2
Fee: £

Course Title: The French Revolution
Course Description: The coming of the French Revolution in 1789 took Europe by surprise and no one could predict the outcome. The Declaration of the Rights of Man seemed to issue in a new era of liberty and equality. But just over four years later, the king had been executed, republican France was at war with many of its neighbours, and Terror had been declared 'the order of the day'. These events were to transform the history of Europe.
Tutor: Anne Stott
Venue: Claret Centre, Buckden Towers, Buckden, PE19 5TA
Day Of Week: Tuesday
Start Time: 10:15
Duration: 2.25 hrs
Date: 24/09/24
No. of Weeks: 5
Fee: £

Course Title: Japanese History and Culture: A Deeper Dive
Course Description: Following on from the introductory series on Japanese culture, we will explore five specific threads (Japan now, history, film, the role of women and literature) and seek to understand more deeply key elements of modern Japanese society. Illustrated with many images and video clips, we will go beyond cliches about the country to find the real Japan.
Tutor: Julian Sedgwick
Venue: Claret Centre, Buckden Towers, Buckden, PE19 5TA
Day Of Week: Tuesday
Start Time: 10:00
Duration: 2.00 hrs
Date: 19/11/24
No. of Weeks: 5
Fee: £

Course Title: An Introduction to Mythology
Course Description: This course goes back to the very basics of mythology that we may (or may not) have learnt as small children, trying to fit the lot into a coherent story, We will look in particular at those names and tales that tend to be referenced in our everyday life, literature, art and music - sayings, names of planets, constellations, months and days of the week. Most of the time will be spent on Classical Greece (and the Roman equivalents) but we will also cover the basics of Norse mythology and touch on a few aspects of Celtic that have come down into everyday references.
Tutor: Jane Williams
Venue: Claret Centre, Buckden Towers, Buckden, PE19 5TA
Day Of Week: Tuesday
Start Time: 10:00
Duration: 2.00 hrs
Date: 14/01/25
No. of Weeks: 10
Fee: £

Course Title: Isaac Newton – his Life and Works
Course Description: An exploration of Isaac Newton's life and works, and the personal convictions that drove his mathematical philosophy and his unorthodox research into alchemy, theology and biblical prophecy.
Tutor: Paul Ranford
Venue: ZOOM
Day Of Week: Tuesday
Start Time: 10:00
Duration: 2.00 hrs
Date: 29/04/25
No. of Weeks: 4
Fee: £

Course Title: Monet: More than Haystacks & Water Lilies
Course Description: This course will explore a wide range of French Impressionist Monet’s work. As well as some of the more familiar & famous aspects such as his paintings of haystacks and water lilies, we will consider examples of his early paintings illustrating his changing style as well as his much less documented pencil & pastel sketches. By comparing these different aspects of Monet’s work it will highlight the full creative spectrum of this famous artist. Fully illustrated with discussion. Note: there will be a one week gap, date to be confirmed in 2025.
Tutor: R Holland-Hargreaves
Venue: ZOOM
Day Of Week: Tuesday
Start Time: 10:00
Duration: 2.00 hrs
Date: 03/06/25
No. of Weeks: 6
Fee: £